Tuesday 16 June 2009

Old skool

Not really one for the sun (being a milk bottle and all), I spent a sizeable chunk of Saturday indoors, going back to my UCLan roots to check out this year's degree show. Brought back quite some memories - some good, some bad, but none that left me having cold sweats thankfully. As surreal as it was to head back there, it left me feeling further inspired to keep at it and helped me to remember why I love the industry so much.

Needless to say, there were a solid few bright sparks amongst the work, of which a couple of my favourites I've included here.

Some of the Advertising Class of 2009

A moving piece for Fathers4Justice

And a humorous POS for Berghaus Opti-Stud

The rest of the show wasn't without promise, with some great work coming from graphic design, animation and textiles in particular. Overall, the whole thing just left me feeling inspired and strangely at home, as well as adding a little extra fuel to the fire of burning advertising desire within me! If you have chance to go along before the show finishes this Saturday, it's well worth a look. As for me, I'm off to write some more of my book. Toodlepip!

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Creative projects

As ever, the "I will blog more" resolution has been waning, so I think it's time to pep up this tired ol' thing with some different stuff. Still working the temp scene (though hoping to become permanent if my ever so suave interview skills serve me well next week), so still trying to keep my fingers in the pies that interest me in any spare time I can grab and practically suffocate into submission ("You will be mine, oh precious 5 minute CSI ad break. I will doodle something right n... [the bright lights of the TV set become too distracting] Oooh, purdy adverts!")

For starters, I'll introduce you to Haylee. This is yours truly in mog form. I'm not sure what a mog is, but it's a character I made up whilst I was at college many moons ago, and I still seem to draw them to this day. So here she is - do be nice and say hello to her, she's quite shy.

My mogs will be making more of an appearance shortly, just as soon as I have time to upload some more of them when I'm not working on the book. The book being an actual book, not the portfolio. I've finally started the painstaking process of forming the plot for the lovely little piece of fiction I'm hoping to write. I won't say too much at this point except that the heroine will be (very loosely) based on me, and will no doubt arrive at a happy ending much sooner than myself!

Anyway, that's me for now, so do tune into the show again, whenever it next decides to air! My old partner in crime, a certain Ms Sparkinson, has recently set up her own blog to showcase her creative talents, of which they are vast and varied. So if you're around her neck of the woods, do be sure to pop in for a look-see at: http://sparkidoodle.blogspot.com/.
You can also find the link in my sidebar - be there or be square!

Sarah in all her mog-shaped glory