Monday 26 May 2008

Day 2 in the Life of Hayley

OK, so Day 2 is nearly over. But I am now a fully fledged advertising baby! Uni has officially endeth as of 4pm on Friday - all that's left now is to wait for results day and finally graduate in July (cap and gown joy - woohoo!)

Basically this is just my "HI, I'M BACK!!" post to let you all know that I'm still alive after it all. Currently uploading some of my work from final submission onto a separate blog ( which you can find a link to in the sidebar, so check it out and let me know what you think.

So... yeah... I'm not really sure what to say now! Just enjoying catching up on sleep for a couple of days (many more all-nighters to endure in the real world of advertising, I'm sure!), and I'm going to get started on a new portfolio tomorrow to hopefully get me well on my way to some jolly spiffing places!

For now I'll say goodnight, but you'll be hearing from me again VERY SOON : )

Tuesday 6 May 2008

The world is caving in!

OK, so it isn't really, it just feels that way at the moment. Only 2 and-a-half weeks to go now, and the pressure is really on. But hey, you know what? I'm sick of doing the whole "boo-hoo, I'm never gonna get this finished", because that attitude is getting me nowhere. Instead, I'm going to crank the music up loud and just enjoy the work - when all's said and done, this degree isn't the end of the world, but it means a hell of a lot to me, so all I can do is try my damned hardest for the result I want. And if I don't get it? Tough titties, cos I sure ain't doing another 3 years at uni! : )

So this is me signing out for the next 17 days, and hopefully the next time you hear from me, your eyes will be feasting on many a visual delight (and if not, then I'm shutting this blog down and going to silently sob into a bar of chocolate lol!)

For anyone who is interested or may be able to offer some insight into the briefs, these are the campaign thoughts I'm working on:

* "Where will your next conversation take you?"
* "Use your assets" - D&AD Breastfeeding
* "Our trust is in you" - SAATCHI & SAATCHI Slavery

* "Always prepared" - Pacamac
* "Smart thinking" - Smart Car
* "A world without milk is a mad world" - Milk

Over and out!