Last week the creative department had the mammoth task of creating ads for one of Pravda's clients to encompass a whole range of their products. This resulted in hundreds of ads being put forward by all, with many rejected (of course!)
Upon Simon's return from the client pitch on Friday, one of mine and Sarah's largely whittled down batch made it's way back to us for amendments. And today we were told that it had been approved by the client and will be going into production very soon! Whoopage!
OK, so it's not earth shifting stuff. But after 3 weeks at Pravda, we're having something made, and this is one of many "firsts" to come for us. Hopefully those firsts will turn into the norm for us once we build our experience, but for now we're just happy to have achieved this one.

thumb wars. the ideal way to celebrate a winning pitch.
Lol! We just settled for a thumbs up, but we may well try thumb wars next time!
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