Saturday, 23 February 2008

Bear with me on this one!

So, the first post. I suppose we'd better start with introductions then. Well as you can see, I'm Hayley (I may even let you call me "H" if you're nice to me). A small town girl (well, a Wiganer anyway!) with a big ambition to break into the advertising biz, hopefully some day heading up some of the country's, if not the world's, biggest accounts and making a name for myself as a ruthless bitch who gets the job done whilst still being impossibly cute and having everyone bow at my feet (OK, maybe not that last bit). Right now, there's a long way to go, but such a short way until I finish my Advertising degree at the University of Central Lancashire (sounds posh, but it's only in Preston) - 23rd May, here I come! That's when the hard work really starts.

Hopefully once I figure out this blogging malarkey I'll be able to post some of my work (only the good stuff, of course!) and maybe a little of my photography as that's my other passion in life (besides food, which unfortunately there isn't a degree in the "Art of Eating"). I'll be attempting (with some difficulty, I'm sure!) to post my recent submission for the MPA Roses competition which ended yesterday having been sent off on Wednesday afternoon amidst much rushing around and lack of printer ink at the all-important "last moment" (which wasn't the last moment at all seeing as the courier only showed up 4 hours later lol!) All that remains is to wait and see who wins (meeeeee, please!).

The evil box of work in question.

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