Thursday, 3 July 2008

Exceedingly Crap Advertising

Why? Why do this? Why kill Mr. Kipling's much loved strapline? And in such a monstrous way?

OK, so it's not the end of the world, but this ad just smacks of 2006 to me - the jittery "happy happy!" joviality of it is very wartime England, and has been done to death (pardon the pun). Which I'm fine with. When it makes for good advertising that is.


chesca said...

blooming heck..i think my brain has just died. thats so bad

Simply Sophia G said...

reminds me of dads army music im guessing that was ur link as well

Hayley said...

Yeah, I wasn't totally sure what decade the music was from, I just knew it was that kind of era.