Friday, 8 August 2008


Life's a bitch sometimes, ain't it? In this mad world of advertising, nothing's ever certain. But as tough as it is, I kind of buzz off that - the drama, the tears (usually from me lol), the "Eureka!" moments - it's all worthwhile in the end. Or at least I bloody well hope so! : )

What exactly am I rambling on about? Well, I finally got word from Frank the agency (where I went for the interview a few weeks back) telling me that I'd made the final shortlist of 3 possible candidates and if I'd go back in on Thursday next week. When I'm at Pravda : S Cue me panicking about what to do!

Resulted in a hour of me weighing up my options and all the pros and cons involved. At the end of the day, it was never going to affect the Pravda placement - full steam ahead to that, I say! But it came down to not having a clue what'll happen after the placement. Fingers crossed me and Sarah will remain a fixture there for awhile if they like us and our work enough. But nothing's certain, and in the meantime I'm the skintest person in Skintsville.

So what's it to be - love or money? Heart or head? The answer should be easy, but I don't think it ever is for anyone. Frank need an Account Exec who can forge long-term relationships with their clients and be in it for the long-haul. And as much as I'd love the chance to embrace my scarily oraganised and bossy side, I can't guarantee them that. As sad as I am to decline it, I just have to be happy that I made an impression on them, and maybe they'll be interested in this crazy cookie further down the line.

In the end my heart won - being bossy may be what I do best, but it isn't what I love (...well, sometimes!) Being creative is one of the biggest challenges I ever put upon myself - academia was my thing at high school and I sometimes struggled to get my head around art or graphics projects, but I've never been one to take the easy route - where's the fun in that? Placements may not pay well, but why go into a job just for the money if it won't make you (or your employer) happy?

Whatever happens, if I follow my dream then I can never be disappointed, right?

1 comment:

Biscuit Barrel said...

Hey! first of all Congratulations on the placement! 2nd congratulations on the offer and lastly i'll reply to your email as soon as i get a minute! lol. Hope your good and excited for Monday x